Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Praying Life by Paul Miller

I've mentioned a few times on my blog 30 Before 30 list how I have a hard time praying out loud.  When I talk to God it is usually in my head and is usually very casual.  I don't want other people to have a peek into that.  It just seems so personal.

I also have had many conversations with friends where we've wondered "Should I be praying for that?", "Is it ok to ask God for that?" 

It was like I needed this book desperately.  A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller changed the way I will pray while at the same time making me feel ok with how I pray now.  It has really good practical tips and will really spur a desire to pray more while at the same time not making you feel guilty for not doing enough already.  He gives examples from his real life of the power of prayer that are engaging and entertaining.

This book also deepened my faith in the power of prayer.  It gave me patience to wait for God and persistence to keep going when it seems like nothing will ever happen. 

I loved his tips about prayer cards because sometimes I get overwhelmed with all there is to pray for that I will only do it once or only when I think about it.  The cards make it less overwhelming and help me focus and look back and see how God has answered my prayers.

It also wasn't too hard to get into or read either.  Sometimes nonfiction books are kind of hard for me to get into and keep up with, but this one wasn't bad.

I give this one 4 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

GinH said...

I read this too and really liked it - made me feel better b/c I thought I was the only one who got distracted and couldn't focus on staying on task!

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